What’s all the Fuss about Fibre?

When I meet someone for the first time with IBS or digestive issues they often talk about fibre. When people don’t know about all the great things you can do with food and the mind-body relationship to heal from IBS they say catchall phrases like “Eat More...
To Be or Not to Be Gluten-free

To Be or Not to Be Gluten-free

You may have noticed going gluten-free is all the rage today and you probably have a few friends or colleagues that are gluten-free. There are many recommendations to go gluten-free, and it seems like it is the answer for almost any health concern from chronic fatigue...
Healthy Digestion & the Low FODMAP Diet

Healthy Digestion & the Low FODMAP Diet

Today’s post is a couple of videos from an appearance I did on Rogers Daytime to discuss healthy digestion, IBS, and the Low FODMAP diet. If you have been suffering with symptoms of IBS and/or food intolerance like gas,  bloating, abdominal pain or discomfort,...

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